Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beginnings are scary.

Endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts the most. So, when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.

'When you remember me.

it means that you've carried something of who i am with you, that i have left some part of who i am in what you are'.

Perde.te, Transcende.te, Circunda.te, Vive.te... *


If you could hear me...

...i would say that our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touched.

My heart is beating like a jungle drum*

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?

[Oscar Wilde]

Never regret.

If it's Good, it's wonderful. If it's Bad, it's Experience.

The real man... the one who can thrill you just by kissing your forehead.

[Marilyn Monroe]

So we dance all night, and dance all day... !!

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Dizem que tudo o que buscamos, também nos busca e, se ficamos quietos, o que buscamos nos encontrará.

É algo que leva muito tempo esperando por nós. Enquanto não chegue, nada faças. Descansa.'

Every day is a new breathe...

...but the battle's still on trying hard to illude me by keeping my head strong.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Não ligo aos que me olham da cabeça aos pés.

Porque esses nunca me farão a cabeça e nunca me chegarão aos pés.

O medo sempre me guiou para o que eu quero.

E porque eu quero, temo. Muitas vezes foi o medo que me tomou pela mão e me levou. O medo me leva ao perigo. E tudo o que eu amo é arriscado.”

Na nossa sociedade...

há a tendência social de quem nâo tem nada para mostrar por dentro, querer forçosamente mostrar por fora..."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Falling in Love should be like Polaroids... instant. *

To be happy with a man... must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

Há dias em que, em vez de avançar a hora, devia mudar o ano.

A saudade é o Bolso onde a Alma guarda aquilo que ela Provou e Aprovou... *

i believe that Laughter is the best Calorie Burner.

I belive in Kissing, and Kissing a Lot. I belive in Being Strong when Everything Seems to be Going wrong. I believe that Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls. I belive that Tomorrow is Another day and i Believe in Miracles*

[Audrey Hepburn]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The best thing about getting lost is what you find along the way.

here or there... I'm just gone. Anywhere I end up, I'm just free.

Monday, March 22, 2010

'Voy caminando por la vida, sin pausa pero sin prisa...

Procurando no hacer ruido vestío con una sonrisa.
Sin complejos ni temores, canto rumbas de colores
Y el llorar no me hace daño siempre y cuando tu no llores
Ay siempre y cuando tu no llores' *

Não cedo, nem resisto nem desisto!

And I feel that in my act is your act and my voice your voice.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pick the day.

Enjoy it — to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come. The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present — and I don’t want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future. *

[Audrey Hepburn]

'Sou o que sou e ofereço.te isso!'

Desfocada no horizonte do mundo...

...focada apenas nos sonhos.

Um dia Descobri que um Bom sorriso faz Acontecer muitas Coisas... *

Depois de todas as tempestades e naufrágios...

...o que fica de mim e em mim é cada vez mais essencial e verdadeiro.

[Caio Fernando Abreu]

Se resistimos às nossas paixões...

...é mais pela fraqueza delas que pela nossa força.

[François de La Rochefoucauld]

Saturday, March 20, 2010

'O meu Sorriso não Disfarça, quando se quer Alguma coisa a Gente abraça...!' *

'(...) but if you cannot love me ate my worst, you don't deserve me at my best!'

I want you to know:

'i have been the lover and the loved. I have been the painter, and the painted. I have been the poet and the poem, and i have been the singer and the song. I have been the breaker and the broken, and i have been the joker and the jokem and all the while, i have kissed lips, held hands and slept beside others, long before i knew you. i have been places i wish i hadn't and fallen for pretty wods i wish i'd never heard, but today, through all of my have beens, through all of my mistakes and all of my past moments and memories, through all of my eve so obvious flaws, through my damaged heart and my uneven smile, through my un-achieved goals, my distant dreams and my crazy mind, through everything: i have saved the best of me for you, and only you.'

Friday, March 5, 2010

E nem sempre parar é morrer.

'Eu parei entre os 14 e os 15 anos quando era uma menina adolescente e guardava todos os sonhos. parei naquele momentos em que as preocupações são menores mas gigantes-do-tamanho-do-fim-do-mundo. parei nos momentos em que me sentava no banco de trás do carro ligava o walkman e fazia telediscos. na minha cabeça. parei nesse instante. em que tudo era possível na minha cabeça. mesmo que seja num momento muito distante. mesmo que tenha idade adulta e sonhos de adolescente'.
